Wednesday 8 June 2011

The catch up/ first freak out

I'm sorry to say that since I have been soo busy with this whole ordeal (as I am now starting to call it) that I havn't yet caught you up on my recent activities. So to get you up to speed I will tell you a short summary.

As everyone became busy little bees designing their collections, I was stuck.  I really wanted to mix unusual patterned fabrics together as a main focus of my range, but could find nothing that I liked in Adelaide, and without knowing my fabrics I couldn't design a thing! So I quickly decided that Melbourne would be the hot spot for great fabrics, and the week long road trip began.

Getting names of fabric shops in Melbourne from my fellow fashion student friend Emma, I had a huge list to get through in only three days; the fourth day was to go back and buy my final decisions.  Long story short, after many samples, freak outs, fabrics shops, late night designing, I found many fabrics that I loved, none of course that could work for my collection.  I was beside myself, kept changing my mind every ten minutes, but some how in the last three hours of the last day I chose my fabrics, and surprisingly was happy with them.

Back in Adelaide I was running out of time for the due date of our range board.  I thought that with my fabrics chosen designing would be a piece of cake! Instead many a piece of actual cake was eaten as comfort as still no drawings emerged. As a student designer your mind is always full of outfits and designs you want to make but don't have the time to, so how is it when you are allowed to design and make whatever you heart desires your mind forms a mental road block? Three words for why.

Life is cruel.
But you eventually get past it, and things get better. In my case it did, and now I have designed a wonderful collection of 6 outfits, 12 garments, and I love it! All in the nick of time might I add (only two days late of deadline).

Here is a preview of one of my fabric choices.

mmmm mustard wool suiting
Safari style cotton print

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